Saturday, February 16, 2008

John arrives in Izmir, Turkey!

Made it to the first stop on the trip - Izmir, Turkey. I am staying with a wonderful American doctor who has lived in Turkey for the last 18 years. Here are some shots of me in my room and loading a clip to Vimeo. Shooting some around town and then down to Ephesus for more footage (and me driving!).

Catch it all tomorrow!

ps. All my love to the family: Ang, Trey, Mason and Mallory. Good to talk to you - I miss you already!!!


Tom said...

Glad you made it safely; look forward to keeping up with trip via the blog, man. Hope it goes well.

John G said...

Hey the first responder (does that make you a medical technician?).

The first real day of the trip and I am tired already!